The federal government has been around for almost 150 years, and only the two same federal parties have governed. The NCA believes that this entrenched political power has contributed to the cronyism and entitlements in the federal government. Two main sources of cronyism and entitlements are the Senate and the federal bureaucracy.
The NCA believes that elected officials and bureaucrats should serve the people, and never the other way around. In addition, the NCA believes that the country’s growing financial crisis is tied partly to the federal cronyism and entitlements.
The National Citizens Alliance supports the follows measures to help eliminate the federal cronyism and entrenched entitlements:
● Initiate a national binding referendum on the Senate, with three options: keep the Senate the same; abolish the Senate, or make it an elected Senate
● Establish a maximum 12-year employment term limit for all executive, upper management bureaucrats; after 12 years of federal employment, these bureaucrats would no longer be eligible for employment in the federal government, and thereby allow other Canadians to serve the Canadian people at these levels of the bureaucracy. The term limits would only apply to the federal government itself and not crown corporations
● Prohibit federal employees within the federal government itself from running private companies in addition to their federal employment. The prohibition would only apply to the federal government itself and not crown corporations
● Prohibit double dipping through hiring consultants to do the work of federal employees
The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to