NCA Health Policy Statement

NCA Founding Document, Section 18.06 Healthcare

The National Citizens Alliance (NCA) acknowledges that healthcare is an essential requirement for all people. The NCA strives to make public healthcare financially viable, of high quality, and accessible to all Canadians.

In order to achieve this vision, the National Citizens Alliance supports the following:

● Upholding the constitutional arrangement that gives the provinces jurisdiction over healthcare in Canada, while providing more oversight over healthcare providers

● Bringing back real, honest science and technology experts to Health Canada, while keeping at distance pharmaceutical corporations

● Amending the Canada Health Act to allow for a private healthcare system that will run adjacent to the public healthcare system, while keeping at distance insurance corporations. We believe that this two-tiered system will save lives, reduce the cost of and burden put on public healthcare,  and reduce wait times for public healthcare

● Supporting integrative medicine involving non-pharmaceutical based medicine: Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Naturopathic including Clinical Nutrition, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Vitamin-based Medicine, Massage Care etc., in hospitals and Homeopathy in home settings, and as well as underwriting a proportion, if not all of the cost of private practice

● Prioritizing mental health by reviewing and addressing the deficiencies in mental healthcare

● Working with the provinces to address the healthcare financial crisis without using more tax dollars to solve the issues

● Upholding the federal government’s role under the Canada Health Act to coordinate funding of transfer payments to the provinces to ensure healthcare administration for Canadians

● Evaluating the principles and objectives of the Canada Health Act and its provisions in terms of a financially sound and sustainable healthcare system and the best interests of the Canadian people, while maintaining the public health system and staying true to its five main principles and focusing on prevention through addressing toxics in society that  EMF radiation, chemicals from geoengineering, and chemical based farming

● Creating forums for public online input on healthcare issues, which are accessible to all Canadians

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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