About Party
National Citizens Alliance — Registered Federal Political Party of Canada
NCA’s Mission: Grassroots, Non-establishment Alternative Choice focused on ALL Canadians.
National Citizens Alliance’s agenda is Canadians First. All Canadians including people from all races and religions. We are here to protect and enhance Canada, and that includes provincial equity and fairness.
Since the best interests of the Canadian people guide us, we have no set position along the political spectrum: some NCA policies may be viewed as left, while others may be viewed as center or right. Our values of freedom, fairness, and equality of opportunity and belief in strong democratic institutions guide us, as does fact-based research, member and public feedback, with the overarching and defining commitment to put the best interests of all Canadian people first.
NCA became a registered federal party on January 30, 2019.
The party did not have the public support necessary to fulfil its goals as a federal political party.
If there is significant public interest in the party going forward, then its re-registration would be entertained.
The necessary work of informing the public continues, just in different capacities.
I would like to thank all the members and supporters who volunteered and made financial contributions.
Stephen Garvey
March 1, 2023
At NCA we realize that many Canadians are misinformed and/or unaware about the realities facing the Canadian people as indicated by their obedience to the multi-controlled political establishment (deep state), which is harming them and putting their future in peril.
Therefore, we are focused on raising awareness, until a critical mass is ready to reclaim the country and whatever may be left of it from globalists and their political and media puppets via the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Unipolar Rules-based World Order.
If you want to get involved and help us, follow us and share, become a member, make a tax deductible donation (every $ helps)… obviously, with the sinister so-called Great Reset agenda in the works including digitalization, AI machines, robots, and machines, and AI surveillance grid, the situation is rather serious.
NCA Platform
● Jobs and economic recovery with emphasis on serious federal debt, money supply, inflationary issues and outsourcing.
● Fair, balanced taxation that includes a new tier of personal taxation for the extremely wealthy, and an immediate end to federal carbon taxation and any other levy on human caused carbon emissions.
● Legislation that prohibits online censorship by recognizing social media as a public domain, and addressing inconsistent application of the hate speech laws.
● Legislation that creates national people’s bank and shifts the public lending right to print the Canadian currency from central banks to this bank.
● Implement responsible, balanced immigration and migration that puts the well being and safety of the Canadian people first from the standpoint of economic, environmental, and societal considerations.
● Efficient, effective regulations that hold polluters accountable regardless of industry and in terms of fines and/or suspension, prohibition from polluting activity, while promote emerging energies including hydrogen, wind, solar, and biospheres.
● Reforming the top-down federal governance through legislation that empowers the Canadian people such as recall, citizen-initiated legislation, and citizen-initiated referendum.
Party News
About Our Leader
Stephen J Garvey founded the National Citizens Alliance. He was selected to lead the party by the founding NCA executive.
Stephen leads by example and a strong vision for Canada focused on the prosperity and security of the Canadian people. Stephen has a Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia and a Masters of Philosophy Degree in Environment and Development from the University of Cambridge (UK). In addition, Stephen has experience in the small business and not-for-profit sectors, and federal crown corporations. Further, Stephen was born in Montreal, Quebec, and currently resides in Calgary, Alberta.
About Our Executive
There are a number of people behind the scenes from coast to coast at the National Citizens Alliance. These Canadians have passion and dedication to our country and its future.
Here are some of them:
Maria Ho, NCA Chief Financial Agent
Maria performs an important role involving NCA finances and accounting, with the primary task of making sure our finances are consistent with the requirements from the Elections Act.
Biographical Background:
Maria has worked at University of British Columbia for 30 years in finance, health care, event planning, administration and HR.
While at UBC, she served on CUPE Executive and held positions as Shop Steward, Trustee and Education Coordinator.
She graduated from UBC, and has taken over 130 workshops and seminars.
Maria is the Chief Financial Officer and executive member of NCA. She is also the Co-founder of Victory Canada as an event organizer, performer and public speaker. She has helped to organize over 150 events, rallies, workshops and strategy meetings.
She is a professional vocalist and performer. She enjoys piano, photography, cooking, nature walks and fitness.
Maria can be reached at Maria Ho.
Iram Hussein, NCA auditor.
Iram with a CA and CPA accounting background, conduct NCA annual audits and election audits as requirement from the Elections Act.

and please see our Party Constitution
Canadians First. Canadian Made.
Les Canadiens d’abord. Fabriqué au Canada.