National Citizens Alliance’s agenda is Canadians First. All Canadians. We are here to protect and enhance Canada, and that includes provincial equity and fairness. We identify as true populist, Canadian nationalist.
Since the best interests of the Canadian people guide us, we have no set position along the political spectrum: some NCA policies may be deemed right, while others may be deemed center or left. Our values of freedom, fairness, and equality of opportunity and belief in strong democratic institutions guide us, as does fact-based research, member and public feedback, with the overarching and defining commitment to put the best interests of the Canadian people first.
NCA became a registered federal party on January 30, 2019.

Based upon public feedback and review of the Divorce Act (1986), the National Citizens Alliance is concerned that bias in the court system is causing unnecessary harm to children and their families through for example excessive legal costs and excessive break up of a family. In our opinion, there is a systemic bias that the mother of a child should be the primary parent, while the father is a secondary parent.
The National Citizens Alliance supports the traditional family unit of mother and father, and children. In addition, we believe that both mother and father should be treated equally when it comes to parenting.
The National Citizens Alliance supports:
An amendment to the Divorce Act, under the Custody Orders section to the affect that as an overriding principle parents should be treated as a equal parents in terms of parenting time and responsibility. With due cause such as reasonable harm to a children from a parent’s neglect or personal deficiencies or otherwise, only then should this equal parenting principle be nullified.
The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to