NCA Constitutional Amendments Policy Statement



The National Citizens Alliance (NCA) supports updating through amendments and additions the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) in ten specific areas. The purpose of these amendments and additions is to further shape, clarify, and define the Charter and include a review of all sections and update them according to the Principles of Fundamental Justice.

The NCA believes that these amendments and additions should only be decided by the Canadian people through a national referendum.

Constitutional Amendment 1

The National Citizens Alliance believes that the Canadian Charter (1982) should be updated to reflect advancement in surveillance technology and most importantly including online technology, and its potential to violate the freedom and privacy of the Canadian people.

Under Section 2, the National Citizens Alliance supports the addition of:

“2 (e) freedom of reasonable privacy”

Constitutional Amendment 2

The National Citizens Alliance believes that equalization payments are detrimental to provinces and Canada as a whole, by adding to the welfare, entitlement federal governance through hand outs to less productive provinces and penalizing more productive provinces, and decreasing competition between provinces. Consequently, the NCA supports rescinding Subsection 36(2) in entirety from the Canadian Charter:

“Parliament and the government of Canada are committed to the principle of making equalization payments to ensure that provincial governments have sufficient revenues to provide reasonably comparable levels of public services at reasonably comparable levels of taxation.” (Subsection 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982)

Constitutional Amendment 3

To be consistent with a free and democratic society, the National Citizens Alliance believes that the Canadian people should have a constitutional right to private property. The NCA supports the following amendment to Legal Rights:

“Everyone has the right to private property, except the government can negotiate in good faith  regarding private property for reasonable public use.”

Constitutional Amendment 4

To be consistent with a free and democratic society and in response to legal persecution of homeowners who act in self-defense, the National Citizens Alliance believes that the Canadian people should have a constitutional right to self-defense of their life and that of their loved ones and their property, except by the due process of law. The right to self-defense also includes the right to self-defense from government tyranny. The NCA supports the following amendment to Legal Rights:

“Everyone has the right to self-defense.”

Constitutional Amendment 5

In response to the Omar Khadr payout of $10.5-million, the National Citizens Alliance supports an amendment to section 7 to prevent this situation from occurring again:

“Any Canadian citizen or otherwise and regardless of age who engages in acts of war against our country and/or our allies forfeits all his or her freedoms and rights.”

“Acts of war” in this context refers to armed aggression/conflict.

Constitutional Amendment 6

Add a section to Democratic Rights, which states

“The House of Commons and any legislative assembly shall abide at all times by a clear, definitive separation of religion and state. “

Although the National Citizens Alliance supports freedom of religious belief and welcomes all faiths into the party, as a party we believe that there needs to be a constitutional mandate for the clear, definitive separation of religion and state in federal governance. 

Constitutional Amendment 7

Amend Section 35 (2) to address non-inclusion and discrimination by adding “all”, “coast to coast”, and “without restriction and prejudice”:

(2) In this Act, “aboriginal peoples of Canada” includes all Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada coast to coast and without restriction or prejudice.

Constitutional Amendment 8

Amend section 15 (2) to address the affirmative action, so that it reads:

(2) Subsection (1) precludes any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. (84)

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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