NCA Education Policy Statement

The National Citizens Alliance (NCA) Founding Document, Section 18.03 Education

The NCA recognizes the importance of education for a healthy, functional, and productive society. NCA policies will support public education, increased access to vocational and higher education, and increased quality of education. NCA members believe that education in some form is a lifelong pursuit for many Canadians. The NCA prioritizes realistic hands-on, basic life skills related education, because it will create a more cohesive society, improve individual productivity and increase the gross domestic product.

In order to bring these visions for Canadian education to fruition, the National Citizens Alliance supporting the following:

● Respect the constitutional arrangement giving the provinces and territories jurisdiction over the public delivery of education in Canada within the constitutional limit of “peace, order, and good government”

● Encourage the provinces and territories to give families who opt for home study at the elementary and secondary levels a tax exemption or funding for this education choice. To this end, establish through enrollment an amount of transfer payments for school study and home study to the provinces and territories. Home study families will receive the same educational resources as school families

● Implement a federal tax reduction for home study families, due to the lower cost of their education as compared to school families who required salaried teachers. Encourage the provinces and territories to implement a similar tax reduction

● Compensate home study families that have lower household income due to this educational choice by allowing these families to income split

● Encourage the provinces and territories to keep religion out of the public schools

● Encourage any other level of government to not push sexual identity politics on our children and parents

● Partner with the provinces and territories in providing student loans and grants to students for post-secondary studies at universities, colleges, as well as technical and vocational institutes

● Create forums for public online input on educational issues, which are accessible to all Canadians

● Tailor some of the federal education funding to relevant policies such as how Canadian families and businesses can reduce their carbon footprints and important health issues

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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