NCA Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Policy Statement


The National Citizens Alliance believes that we must balance the needs of the country with the obligations and responsibilities to accept refugees and immigrants seeking a better, safer life and opportunities without overwhelming our resources and/or undermining our culture, values and security. Canada must remain Canada and not submit to the globalist social engineering that we see playing out across Europe.

Migrants aspiring to come to Canada may do so through several immigration streams in place and administered by the federal government, and through some programs under provincial governments. The current policies, programs and regulations are in place under the provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) 2002.

The National Citizens Alliance (NCA) believes that Canada’s immigration, refugees, and citizenship policy must aim to achieve five broad objectives:

● National Security – preventing the entry of persons who pose a security threat to Canada

● Economic – attracting migrants that fill a long term void in the labour market

● Humanitarianism – valuing families so immediate, core members remain together, and modifying Canada’s international humanitarian obligations in relation to refugees and asylum seekers

● Citizenship – upholding the belief that citizenship is a privilege rather than a right

We believe that it is possible to achieve an equitable balance in relation to these four broad objectives in immigration.

In addition, the NCA believes that Canada’s immigration policy must be guided by fairness and equality. Immigrants and refugees must be judged based on who they are including what they believe and value, and not the colour of their skin, ethnicity, religion, or homeland.

National Security

Immigration policy has implications on national security, because keeping Canadians safe requires discriminating between persons who pose a threat to Canada and those who do not.

The NCA believes in:

● Implementing a moratorium with no end date on immigration to deal with the backlog, inadequate vetting, chain migration, and illegal migration

● Reviewing immigration intake numbers including refugees and chain migration from the standpoint of economic, environmental, and societal considerations

● Denying entry to our country individuals who have a reasonable potential to commit acts of terrorism and/or undermine the values that distinguish us as a free and democratic society

● Ensuring that systems of due process for immigrants/ migrants who fall outside normal immigration migration  are in place such as  for individuals (not entering from a safe country) charged with violations of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, individuals (not entering from a safe country) whose regular systematic processing under prevailing policies and regulations is not possible, and individuals (not entering from a safe country) whose circumstances require irregular processing of their applications

● Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (2001) to the effect that undocumented, illegal migrants will be deported immediately to their country of origin, distinguishing radicalized families from non-radicalized families, and application of the NCA integration and screening protocols for new comers to Canada

● Amending the Safe Third Country Agreement to effect that illegal migrants in transit through the USA to Canada and who arrive in Canada illegally will face deportation immediately, denial of entry to deported applicants from the United States of America, and distinguishing radicalized residents from non-radicalized residents

● Implementing a moratorium on sanctuary cities in Canada to gather all relevant facts and with the intent to shut them down, thereby prevent them from harbouring criminals

● Deporting individuals charged and convicted under the Criminal Code upon the completion of their prison sentence; if no prison sentence, then the individual will be deported immediately

● Refusing entry to any individual previously deported due to criminal convictions

● Deporting individuals failing to appear at their immigration hearings

● Affording one appeal to individuals within 90 days of the initial ruling as part of due process

● Dedicating innovative and more efficient methods to monitor employers’ compliance with immigration and refugee regulations derived from policies and set out in programs, in order to protect Canadians and the integrity of the immigration and refugee system

● Enforcing immigration and refugee regulations derived from policies and set out in programs by way of investigating and levying penalties where necessary on individuals, organizations, and employers party to non-compliance with immigration regulations

● Restricting or suspending indefinitely immigration rights to individuals from nations that fail to accept individuals deported back to them, while allowing political asylum applicants from these nations

● Applying comprehensive screening for all applicants wanting to come to Canada, including the vetting of an applicants’ ideological beliefs and values that are counter to the standards of our civil rights and liberties through interviews and background checks; ideological screening would be applied to applicants before entering Canada to avoid Charter issue; in addition, we will push to amend the Charter to allow ideological screening of all in-Canada applicants as well 

● Rejecting applicants who we do not have enough information on to conduct a reasonable assessment of their security status and ability to integrate


The world population is on track to reach approximately 10 billion by 2050, and lifespans of populations have been increasing since the 1800s. The growth in population is putting increased burden on resources. There is a correlation between population size and GDP growth. In contrast, Canada’s population of approximately 37 million is relatively small compared to the land mass of Canada. This relatively low population is partly explained by the extremity of weather in northern regions and inhabitable areas such as permafrost zone and boreal forest. With Canada’s welfare system and its many costly benefits, it is important that new comers fill a void in the economy or expand it, otherwise they will become a drain on the welfare system. Currently, new immigrants to Canada are $40 billion a year taxation negative as shown explicitly by a report out of Simon Fraser University by Patrick Grady and Herbert Grubel. In addition, it is important to note that Canada has a positive natural population growth of 294 new Canadians every day.

The NCA categorically rejects the myths that immigration and by extension mass immigration is good for the economy, and that Canada needs immigration to deal with an aging population. We tale a neutral stance. Overwhelmingly, research shows that there is minimal correlation between immigration and increased GDP and increased per capita income. In addition, through chain migration, new migrants are bringing their own aged migrants, and they themselves are aging as soon as they enter Canada. Further, Canada has the lowest population of 65+ in the G-7, which is at 16.9% as compared for example to Japan at 26%.

Further, the National Citizens Alliance is concerned at immigration being used to grow the voter base of the mainstream parties and at the expense of the Canadian people. Therefore, our party will only allow economic migrants to come to Canada if there is a void in the labour market that the Canadian people for whatever reason are unable to fill or these migrants through their initiative will expand the economy. Further, our refugee intake will be based upon helping those people in need and within our means. 

The NCA supports:

● With the exception of refugees, denying entry into Canada any immigrant applicant who is sick or dealing with significant health issues

● Reviewing immigration intake numbers from the standpoint of economic, environmental, and societal considerations

● Facilitating the entry of migrants with the educational qualifications, experience, and linguistic skills most relevant and complementary to the present and expected quantitative as well as qualitative needs of the labour market if additional population is necessary

● Adjusting the intake of migrants under the Federal Skilled Worker category and changes to the minimum points threshold according to

o The performance of the overall labour market

o The specific quantitative and qualitative characteristic conditions of occupations in industries across sectors of the economy

o Detach unemployed foreign undergraduate and graduate students from economic migrant classification

● Dismantling the temporary foreign workers program (TFW) and replace with greater investment in retraining of Canadian workers and a new temporary foreign worker program that deals with the widespread abuse to temporary workers and harm to Canadian workers.

● Denying work permits to visitors with reasonable exceptions such as singers, musicians, and athletes

● Establishing official language proficiency as a basis for immigration approval

● Requiring permanent residents and any other non-citizens to reside in Canada for a minimum of 9 years before being allowed to apply for citizenship

● Deporting immediately any non-citizen who commits a criminal offense with no exceptions



Immigration policy must treat people humanely without violating basic human rights. In addition, the policy must recognize the UN’s 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. The NCA believes that these steps are paramount to a civilized Canadian society within the limit of ensuring that the well-being and safety of Canadians comes first, and maintaining national security.

The NCA supports:

● Decreasing the processing times for international adoptions

● Instituting a centre-of-gravity concept in relation to family reunification and keeping families together, wherein permanent residents or citizens may sponsor immediate members still outside the country if the members in Canada constitute the majority of the family (centre of gravity) and those outside would otherwise be left with no other family

● Issuing overseas partners of Canadians and permanent residents with 2-year provisional residency while immigration officials investigate the bona fides of applicant couples

● Tightening the protocols for refugees to ensure that only legitimate refugees enter Canada

● Allowing an individual who has been granted refugee status to apply for immediate permanent residency status for a legitimate spouse and their dependent children aged 18 or under, and with regards to the centre-of-gravity principle

● Reducing the initial immigrant application process to no more than 2 years from receipt of the application

● Responding in a reasonable time to refugee crises 

● Adding flexibility to the number of refugees allowed into Canada based on the severity of humanitarian crises 

● Denying entry to our country refugees who have a reasonable potential to commit acts of terrorism and/or undermine the values that distinguish us as a free and democratic society

● Applying comprehensive screening for all applicants wanting to come to Canada


The National Citizens Alliance believes that citizenship is a privilege rather than a right. In addition, we believe that citizenship should be administered in the best interests of the Canadian people, and never for political purposes such as attaining votes.

The NCA supports:

● Maintaining the constitutional requirements for citizenship, and rejecting any measures that expand citizenship (without right to vote) to foreign investors and/or a global passport; Canadian sovereignty must and shall prevail over globalist agendas

● Amending Bill C-6 in following key areas:

– Require permanent residents to reside in Canada for a minimum 9 year period within a 12 year time frame before being eligible to apply for citizenship

– Strip the citizenship of Canadians, whether dual citizen or non-dual citizen, who have been convicted of terrorism. In the case of dual citizens, they would be deported back to their other country, and in the case, of non-dual citizens, their immigrant status would be downgraded from citizen to alien occupant.

● Amending birthright citizenship to the affect that foreign tourists (neither parent is a Canadian citizen) who give birth while in Canada are not automatically granted Canadian citizenship to their newborns

● Re-instituting the declared intent to reside in Canada once granted citizenship and with no more than 1 year outside the country in the first 5 years after receiving citizenship

● Requiring new citizens to reside in Canada at least 3 years of the first 6 years of their citizenship or have their citizenship revoked


The National Citizens Alliance will work with any party willing to achieve a mutually agreeable balance in relation to the objectives in immigration, refugees, and citizenship policy, on the condition that there is no compromise in the party’s values and principles of putting the all Canadian people first.

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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