The National Citizens Alliance believes that the welfare state is preventing the Canadian people from attaining their greatest prosperity and security. The welfare state creates dependency by the Canadian people on government handouts, and results in higher taxes and more regulation. This system of government is highly inefficient and ineffective, and consequently, is putting the future of the Canadian people and country in jeopardy.
The federal debt is an indicator of this inefficiency and ineffectiveness. The debt continues to grow, surpassing $935 billion, with over $30 billion a year in debt service payouts of our tax dollars to commercial banks. The federal government spends around $280 billion a year on all forms of welfare handouts.
The National Citizens Alliance supports efficient and effective government and true service of the Canadian people, which includes fiscal responsibility with the people’s money. We support restructuring the welfare state, so that it works for all Canadians and most importantly those Canadians in true need. Our future as a country depends on it.
These are some of the measures that the National Citizens Alliance supports:
● consolidating and cutting federal ministries to help ensure an efficient and effective government
● creating a more efficient and effective federal bureaucracy that includes cutting redundancy and inefficiency
● eliminating the private consultant and bureaucrat double dipping in the federal government
● creating a truly independent Bank of Canada, and once created, pay off the federal debt at zero percent interest, establish mandatory balanced budgets, establishment a debt payment plan
● ending corporate bailouts and subsidies
● reducing significantly immigration refugee intake into the country based upon the principle that the well-being and safety of the Canadian people comes first
● ceasing federal funding of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC)
● replacing the equalization payouts with an alternative that is a ‘hand up’ and based upon productivity rather than simply a welfare handout
● assisting Canadians who are truly in need such as veterans who have fallen through the cracks, homeless, and seniors who are struggling to make ends meet
● working with the provinces to attain more efficiency and effectiveness in the universal healthcare system (federal government spent $37.9 billion in 2017, and up to an anticipated $42 billion by 2020, in federal transfers to the provinces for healthcare)
● reviewing the welfare safety net system for inefficiency and ineffectiveness; making sure those who qualify for welfare get the assistance, and provide them access to guaranteed employment
● requiring permanent residents to reside in Canada for a minimum 10 years within a 12 year time frame before being eligible to apply for citizenship
● ceasing all non-crisis international aid
● ceasing all payouts with the exception of the mandatory budgetary to the United Nations
● in terms of the major federal welfare programs:
o Old Age Security—give disabled seniors the option of choosing age 65 or 67 to receive Old Age Security, Employment Insurance (EI)—review and cut out waste and efficiency and provide timely payments
o Guaranteed Income Supplement—increase supplement and maximum amount received
o Children’s Benefits—increase benefits for families greater than four children
o First Nation’s Healthcare Service—dismantle to the top-down Aboriginal political structure in favour of a bottom-up political system; work with the First Nations to establish more productivity and independence
o Healthcare for Veterans— support our veterans in their physical and emotional needs and especially veterans who were subjected to melfloquine
o Health Research—add this research into public health research
o Public Health Research—focus on the needs of the Canadian people with strong emphasis on public feedback
o Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness—eliminate this ministry and add it to the Ministry of Defense; build up the national guard and increase funding to all branches of the Armed Forces
o Education Transfer Payouts—establish conditions on transfers that uphold the Canada’s traditional values and beliefs
o Health Transfer Payouts—establish greater accountability mechanisms
o Social Transfer Payouts–establish conditions on transfers that uphold the Canada’s traditional values and beliefs
The National Citizens Alliance believes that Canada requires a major restructure in order ensure the prosperity and security of future generations. The massive federal welfare state is not financially sustainable as demonstrated by the growing high federal and national debts. Although the transition to a more efficient and effective system of government premised on greater independence of the Canadian people will be difficult for some Canadians, the structural transition is integral to the future prosperity and security of the Canadian people and Canada.
The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to