NCA Rural Canada Policy Statement

The National Citizens Alliance’s agenda is Canadians First, and this agenda includes the promotion and enhancement of traditional Canada.

The NCA views rural Canada from coast to coast as the heart and soul of traditional Canada. Therefore, the NCA prioritizes the promotion of rural Canada consistent with its traditional identity, heritage, cultural norms, and values.

The NCA rejects the importation of third world migrants and any cultural norms that are inconsistent with the values and principles of rural Canada as we saw occur in Brooks, Alberta. The NCA rejects globalist trade deals like TPP and FIPPA that undermine independence and sovereignty of rural Canada, and rural entrepreneurship and small businesses. The NCA rejects the political correctness and progressive gender identity politics being pushed on rural Canada.

The NCA stands fully behind rural Canada and its prosperity and security, and we are 100 percent committed to the following:

● Lower federal taxation on rural Canada through implementation of personal and business flat-taxes and immediate end to federal carbon taxation and any other levy on human caused carbon emissions.

● Justice reform with major focus on access to justice and accountability of all those individuals and groups who work within the justice system.

● Rural business development though removing unnecessary regulations and increasing the loans available to rural entrepreneurs and small business owners, including grants for non-renewable energy such as wind and solar power and sustainable agricultural practices such as poly-culture agriculture, beekeeping, and pesticide-free agriculture.

● Establish a national bee pollinator recovery program that focuses on the systemic causes of the bee population decline, and concrete solutions such as poly-culture and pesticide-free agriculture, protection of ideal bee habitat, and incentives for sustainable beekeeping. The NCA moratorium on immigration followed by 50,000 or less will help significantly reduce habitat loss.

● Require power corporations to compensate fairly and accurately for any and all excess energy put into power grids by rural households and businesses.

● Moratorium on immigration that includes a review of immigration intake numbers from the standpoint of economic, environmental, and societal considerations.

● Protection of Canadian industries and businesses from foreign governments flooding the Canadian market with subsidized and inferior product, while ensuring fair treatment of all industries and businesses regardless of what province they are.


The National Citizens Alliance prioritizes rural Canada and its prosperity and security as the heart and soul of traditional Canada. Therefore, a NCA government will do everything in its power to promote and enhance rural Canada. Canadians First.

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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