NCA Foreign Policy1 Statement


As a democracy and member of several intergovernmental organizations, Canada has exercised its foreign policy with much discretion. The National Citizens Alliance (NCA) believes that as an international state and middle power, Canada must have a balanced and measured approach in its actions whilst maintaining its sovereignty.

The NCA believes that Canada’s foreign policy should reflect the sovereign will of Canadians and should serve four broad purposes of the Canadian state: national security including cultural security, prosperity, international recognition and prestige, and advancement of a just and fair world.

The NCA supports consulting Canadians wherever possible in the formulation and implementation of foreign policy. The NCA will oppose, in whole or in part, any foreign policy that Canadians do not democratically support as serving these four purposes.

These principles and values above, along with those articulated in the NCA Founding Document (2013), form the bases of the NCA foreign policy.

From the NCA Founding Document: Section 18.10 National Security and Protection of Sovereignty

The bases of NCA policies are the protection and enhancement of Canadian sovereignty, and the peace and security of Canadians from domestic and foreign threats. The NCA will only authorize surveillance of Canadians through Court Orders for search and seizure. The NCA believes that the trust of Canadians in their government and the freedom of Canadians are the country’s greatest security.

Sovereignty, Alliances, Inter-governmental Organizations

In the backdrop of international pressures related to economic interdependence and multilateral alliances that have called on Canada to take joint military actions, sovereignty remains an important value for Canadians.

The NCA believes in:

● Respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other international states

● Preserving Canadian sovereignty in the forefront of all considerations when engaging in diplomatic discussions with other governments regarding foreign policy

● Evaluating Canada’s involvement in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other globalist institutions

● Scaling back federal funding of the United Nations to the bare minimum

● Reviewing all past signatory agreements to UN declarations, covenants, and conventions, and only supporting agreements that are in the best interests of the Canadian people

● Maintaining Canada’s membership position in the British Commonwealth of nations, as well as the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (La Francophonie)

● Maintaining and developing close co-operative and friendly relations with all the countries that share Canada’s hemisphere: the entire American continent: north, central and south

● Defending Canada’s sovereign interests in the Arctic, along Canada’s borders and ocean boundaries

Foreign Trade and Free Trade Agreements

With an exporting economy, Canada must facilitate and pursue economic growth through trade. The NCA supports:

● Ensuring that any trade agreements are in the best interests of the Canadian people

● Consulting Canadians on foreign trade and trade agreements in order to share information and attain public input, and the NCA will make public a record of public comments and suggestions

● Trading with democratic nations that demonstrate a value for the rule of law, as well as human and political rights

● Encouraging human and political reforms in undemocratic countries through trade incentives

● Restricting trade agreements to countries that do not uphold the rule of law, as well as human and political rights

● Supporting smart trade over globalist trade

● Strengthening trade with democratic nations with whom Canada shares membership in intergovernmental organizations

● Evaluating the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) as to its overall economic benefit to Canada

● Expanding smart trade with Asian and South American countries

Military Deployment and Peacekeeping

Canada has a tradition of deploying forces to meet our international commitments for peacekeeping and humanitarian relief and assistance. However, the United Nations has lost its way from the time of its creation in 1945. The NCA believes that the Canadian people must come first before any international organization. The NCA believes in honouring and respecting Canadian armed forces currently serving as well as veterans. The National Citizens Alliance supports the following:

● Consulting with Canadians on military deployment and peacekeeping in order to share information and attain public input; and the NCA will make public a record of public comments and suggestions

● Putting a moratorium on all UN peacekeeping operations that involve Canadian participation

● Ceasing ALL voluntary funding of the United Nations

● Reviewing Canada’s international agreements and commitments under the United Nations (UN) and other international agreement to which Canada is a signatory

● Deploying Canadian armed forces to international locations within the mandate of the United Nations as long as it is in the best interests of the Canadian people and whilst a moratorium on peacekeeping operations

● Consulting with UN members and the UN Security Council before sanctioning the deployment of forces to any region and before engaging in armed conflicts

● Giving the Canadian military the mandates and capabilities to perform effectively to meet its objectives and to assist Canada in achieving its foreign policy objectives where necessary

● Deploying Canadian armed forces to where armed conflicts may ensue, but after exhausting all diplomatic avenues and only when absolutely necessary

● Establishing severe criminal penalties for any elected official who allows the Canadian armed forces to be used as a means to an end such as attaining a seat on the United Nations Security Council

● Establishing a binding process for the Canadian people to elect Canada’s representative on the United Nations; each province and territories would elect a candidate to represent Canada at the United Nations, and based on this pool of candidates, the Canadian people through a national vote would then determine which candidate would represent Canada at the United Nations. The term of representation would be four years, and the individual would only be allowed to run for two four year terms subject to re-election after 1 term

● Keeping Canadian armed forces away from armed conflicts that are primarily about nation building and self-serving economic development. The NCA believes that democracy must occur organically and inherently from the people of a country, and never imposed from the outside. Within this framework, the NCA will encourage people-based democracy in other countries primarily through example, but the NCA will never impose it. In terms of countries subjected to nation building such as Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the NCA will respect the will of the people of these countries, and if they want people-based democracy and our support, we will support them within our means

National Sovereignty

● Controlling and monitoring the flow of large sums of foreign money into Canada. The National Advancement would set up a system of monitoring all large sums of foreign money into Canada, and thereby help prevent foreign interests from meddling into our internal affairs

● Increasing monitoring and security along Canadian borders

● Increasing our ability to protect our sovereignty in the Arctic through presence in the region and capability through ships and aircraft

Humanitarian Relief and Assistance

Canada has an international reputation for delivering humanitarian relief and assistance. Providing humanitarian relief and assistance can take many forms and can help assist Canada in achieving its foreign policy objectives. The NCA supports:

● Consulting Canadians on humanitarian relief and assistance in order to share information and attain public input; and the NCA will make public a record of public comments and suggestions

● Ensuring that the well-being of fellow Canadians in need like our veterans, seniors, unemployed come first before foreigners in need

● Cooperating with Canada’s G20 partners to alleviate suffering in less-developed countries

● Delivering emergency relief and financial support to regions of the world devastated by natural or human made disasters

● Employing Canadian immigration and refugee policy provisions on an ad hoc basis and discretionary basis as a means of providing humanitarian relief and assistance as long as the best interests of the Canadian people comes first


Whilst acknowledging humanitarian crises and international treaty and alliance obligations, the NCA supports the following:

● Taking a neutral and conciliatory approach, which is based in equality and justice, to foreign conflicts in order to lessen the killing of innocents from both sides of the conflict and encourage the end to the killing of innocents

● Taking a neutral and conciliatory approach, which is based in equality and justice, to long standing conflicts such as the Palestine/Israel conflict, in order to lessen the killing of innocents from both sides of the conflict and encourage the end to the killing of innocents

● Prohibiting the Canadian military industry from supplying weapons and weapons related equipment to countries involved in conflicts, in order to lessen the killing of innocents from both sides of the conflict and encourage the end to the killing of innocents

● Prohibiting Canadian charities, non-profit organizations, and corporations from subsidizing indirectly or directly the war effort of a country involved in a conflict, in order to lessen the killing of innocents from both sides of the conflict and encourage the end to the killing of innocents, and establish penalties including fines and loss of charity status for those individuals and organizations who violate

● Supporting a peaceful resolution to the Palestine/Israel conflict that is outside of the United Nations and attained through direct negotiations between the opposing sides

● Assessing and/or renegotiating international treaty and alliance obligations when they conflict with the best interests of the Canadian people

Advancement of a Just and Fair World

The NCA supports the following:

● Expressing and upholding Canadian values and strengths such as our human rights, rule of law, civil society, environmental stewardship, and bi-cultural/lingual governance

● Addressing unfairness and injustice in our own society, such as the injustice to Canada’s Aboriginal peoples and unfair and undemocratic aspects of federal governance including the electoral system, in order to provide a better example for the world

● Learning from the values and strengths of other worthy countries in order to further encourage our positive societal development


The NCA will work with any party willing to defend Canadian sovereignty, respect the sovereignty of other international states, facilitate meaningful and effective dialogue with Canadians regarding foreign policy, and honour and respect our armed forces and veterans.

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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