NCA United Nations1 Policy Statement

The National Citizens Alliance (NCA) believes that the federal government including elected officials and bureaucrats must serve all of the Canadian people and no one else. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case.

The United Nations was created on October 24, 1945, in the wake of World War II. The primary purpose of the United Nations is to encourage peace through organized dialogue between countries and establish consensus of nations on various issues, including the UN Declaration on Human Rights.

However, over time, the United Nations has become a massively bureaucratic globalist organization, and it has been subjected to special interest influence and tyranny of the majority of members. For example, in 2015 Saudi Arabia despite its troubling human rights record was elected to Chair of the UN Human Rights Council, and in 2017, Saudi Arabia was elected to the UN Women Rights Commission. In addition, the world with the United Nations in it has become an increasingly dangerous place with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, weaponry, and spread of terrorism.

The National Citizens Alliance believes that the United Nations is no longer entirely in the best interests of the Canadian people. In addition, the National Citizens Alliance rejects the federal government using hundreds of millions of tax dollars and putting the Canadian Armed Forces in unnecessary harms way in order to attain a non-veto seat on the UN Security Council. The federal government is spending around $163 per Canadian per year on foreign aid tied to the United Nations.

As mentioned, the National Citizens Alliance believes that the federal government’s primary duty and responsibility is serving all of the Canadian people. The needs of the Canadian people must be adequately addressed before providing aid to foreign countries and peoples, barring extreme crisis in another country. There are many Canadians such as our seniors, homeless, veterans, unemployed, who are in significant need. All Canadian people should and must come first.

The National Citizens Alliance supports the following:

● Ceasing all voluntary funding to the United Nations and its affiliates while maintain Canada’s presence and influence (Withdrawing from the United Nations all together would isolate Canada. NCA seeks a balance.)

● Withdrawing Canada as a signatory from Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the UN Migration Pact. which are the policy frameworks for globalism NWO

● Spending zero tax dollars on future attaining a rotating two-term non-veto seat on the Security Council

● Reviewing all UN declarations, covenants, agreements, treaties and conventions that Canada is signatory to, and only supporting ones that are in the best interests of the Canadian people

● Putting a moratorium on all UN peacekeeping operations that involve Canadian participation in order to address unnecessary operations and participation with the intent to protect Canadian troops from harms way

● Redirect all savings from reduced expenditure on the United Nations to paying off the growing federal debt that is in excess of $1.2 trillion.

The NCA welcomes feedback on its policies. Please send policy feedback to

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